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Mailcow (


I have an instance of Mailcow running on a dedicated server here in Norway (through a provider).
This is the server with the cleanest IP address out of the servers I have, making it perfect for personal email and such as long as your domain has been set up correctly.


Webmail is provided through a software called "SOGo". The link to that is:
SOGo allows you to set up your identity (the name and signature sent with every email, for instance), but it also has some nice features like managing your calendar, contacts and changing your password.

You are also able to change your password through the main Mailcow page:

Email clients

The incoming and outgoing mail servers support all the default encryption settings and network ports, so if you know those you're good to go. The hostname for both incoming and outgoing is the same:

For those of you that need specific details:

Incoming (IMAP)

  • Host:
  • Port(s): 143 (Unencrypted/STARTTLS), 993 (SSL/TLS)
  • Authentication: Required.
  • Username: Your full email address, example:
  • Password: Your password.

Incoming (POP)

I don't even know if Mailcow supports this and I don't even know what the settings would be here.
If you really wanna use POP instead of IMAP, just go with the same hostname (using default POP ports) and username/password as IMAP and see if it works.

Outgoing (SMTP)

  • Host:
  • Port: 25 (Unencrypted), 465 (SSL/TLS), 587 (STARTTLS)
  • Authentication method (if requested): LOGIN
  • Username: Your full email address, example:
  • Password: Your password.